Sunday, July 1, 2012

We are a culture of female cryptids known as the Lobas-- beautiful, alluring women by day and sinister, demon wolves by moonlight. We emigrated from Latin American countries all over the world during the 1920s and disguised ourselves as human immigrants. Most all Lobas have the same features; long, mars black hair, full and soft lips, skin as golden as the sun.

We live among, yet isolated from, humans in a world of our own. As industrialization grew and cities became bigger, we had to move our families from the dark forests we once called home into large, metropolitan areas across the globe. In cities such as New York, we reside in underground caves below the subways, dance clubs, or skyscrapers. One system that keeps cohesion amongst the Loba tribe is our leader, Izel, and is symbolized as a big square above smaller black squares. Izel dictates all the rules we must follow and in turn she offers us wisdom and protection. If one does not abide these orders, Izel will have them killed in a mass public execution. The reason for this is because family means everything to the Loba tibe. Family is our most important institution and cannot be compromised for anyone or anything. This is represented in the symbol of a fetus amongst the stars. Our offspring are always born as human children and later become Lobas. Some other Lobas are part of a council whom advise Izel in her decision-making.

Although we do live in the city, our own environment is of a different nature. We sleep most of the day in our caves. It is cold, musky, and can become damp because of the urban sewer systems. We have lived in these caves for so long that stalagmites and stalactites have started to form. The rocks shine with our savage fires. We are a pack of Lobas but we are isolated from the rest of the world in which we live in, humans cannot know about our existence and we must not fall in love. This system is represented by the white lines against a dark background and symbolizes loneliness and depression. Sometimes we do go out during the day but only to entice a human male in order for our race to survive. We have the power to steal any man away from their mates. This is how an all-female tribe procreates. Once the stars come up we lure the pathetic chosen male into bed then kill him by ripping his flesh apart and eat his heart. After the heart has been consumed we turn into our true Loba beings and run a rampage throughout the city in dark corners and alleyways. This is how we gain strength and food for survival. We go from sexy seductress to bloodthirsty beast each day and this transformation is an institution that is represented by a two-toned orb that glows with energy. The yellow represents our lives during the day, which is similar to a human’s life. The red represents the blood that is shed at night. The orange is a reminder to us that we are both these things, beautiful and beastly.

Symbol of our Alpha-Female, Izel

Loba Pack Family Symbol

Isolation and Loneliness Symbol that represents our Lifestyle

Symbol of the Dichotomy of The Lobas 

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